Ace Hardware Key Cutting Instructions T1N Sprinter Van Keys
They wont Warranty the Key – But WE WILL!

As a key cutter at Ace Hardware, you’ll be providing a key cutting service for customers with T1N Sprinter Vans. Here are the key guidelines to follow for this task:
- Customer Charges and Pricing:
- Charge the customer the full price for an inexpensive key and the cutting service, as they would normally pay for any key cutting service. (even thou they are providing key)
- Make sure the customer understands this service is performed AS IS. This means that if the key does not function properly, no refunds or recuts will be offered under warranty.
- Have them sign the waiver at the bottom of this sheet.
- Customer Agreement:
- At the bottom of this form, have the customer sign the provided information and signature line.
- Their signature will indicate their understanding that Ace Hardware is not responsible if the key does not work. This waiver releases Ace Hardware from any warranty obligations regarding this cut.
- Cutting Technique – Important Notes:
- Start from the Tip: When cutting, begin from the tip of the key rather than the standard root-side approach.
- Reason: T1N Sprinter Vans have varying tubular lengths, and starting from the tip ensures the cut will be compatible with all variations.
- Trial and Error: If this cut does not work, inform the customer they may receive another blank key from at no charge. This allows another cutting attempt, generating further business while working towards a successful cut.
- Customer Satisfaction:
- Although customer satisfaction is a goal at Ace Hardware, follow these instructions carefully. Simply perform your best, and will handle any follow-up if necessary.
I (print name) _________________________________
understand that this is AS IS and No warranties or returns for any reason.
By following this process, you are helping Ace Hardware meet customer needs while ensuring no risk or warranty liability for the store.
Customer Signature (below):
customer signature ___________________________________________